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saya Mayatania, kamu siapa?

Kamis, 01 April 2010


Halo sekarang saya ingin memperkenalkan sahabat chat saya atau bahasa kerennya : teman khayalan, dari Canada yang namanya Maxime. Awalnya emang cuma dari chat omegle, tapi sejak bertukar alamat msn, email, dan skype, kita jadi semakin dekat. Setiap hari walaupun selalu dengan jam yang tidak pernah tepat (saat saya mau sekolah, dia mau tidur. disaat saya mau tidur, dia mau sekolah. dan disaat dia sedang senggang, saya mau tahajud -,-). tapi walaupun begitu, kita selalu menyempatkan diri untuk chat ataupun mengirim email. dan tenang saja ya, saya sudah cukup dewasa untuk mebatasi hubungan saya dengan max. bagi saya dia hanya teman khayalan yang belum jelas nyata atu tidaknya sampai kita ketemu nanti.

Its max (I got it from his facebook)

Anyway, sebenarnya bukan itu inti cerita saya sekarang ini. Pada suatu kesempatan, saya dan Max membicarakan tentang agama. Awalnya saya takut dia tidak bisa menerima saya yang islam ini. Tapi ternyata saya salah. Awalnya kita hanya berbincang-bincang biasa sampai kemarin Max mengirimkan saya email


Subject: RE: important things (feelings) and random facts...
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 02:27:58 +0000

hey maya :)
Yeah that was what I was thinking I just wanted to get this right ;)
And I think you're right, and de don't get enough time to chat properly, andwe'll have more to say in mails :)
You know you're a smart girl ahah ;)
And yeah I got good days (2 since I wrote the letter I think?... I just loose the value of time these days :P)
But I have 2 exams nexxt week, but we only got 3 days of school :) (yay easter break ^^)
BTW, do you celebrate easter ? :O
If not, get a chocolate and think of me while eating it ahah :P
And talking of religion, it is the important thing I wanted to talk with you...
I thought a lot of what you told me the other day about God and all...
It make me worried a bit...
I feel bad (not because of you) but because I'm not following what my religion tells me :(
And I was wondering, do you think a religion is better than an another?
If I choose the bad religion, does bad things will happen to me?
Or the point is only to believe, whatever the way you believe?

I need to believe in something, and I do believe in god, but I think I believe badly...
I've grown up catholic, but no one really believes around me, and it make me freak a bit ... because I do believe...
I don't think catholicism could arrange this, since it didn't learn it on the good way,
and there'S so problem with this religion, it's strange...

So I think, should I change religion?
SometimesI really don't know how to act, and such...
But I think a religion would help me to face the life...
But If I try to change religion, whcich one shoulc I choose?
Does god will be mad I f I don't take the good one :S
If I try something and I find out that is not the right one, could I come over my desicion of trying something?

I really want to know what you think of this...
You're my best friend and really need your opinion...

I'll wait for your answer, I'll continue thinking of this before I sleep
(I think of you too, because I think of you really oftenly :P :) )

So, I hope you had success in your exams,
We'll see ya

Have a good day (night)

XxX :)

You're best friend max

P.S. : yeah that was a long mail ahahah :P But really important for me :)

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